Fulfen Primary School

Love of Learning... Encouraging... Adaptable... Determination

Pre School Maths

In preschool we incorporate maths skills into routines throughout the session.  

We begin the day by singing our 'days of the week' song.  We use vocabulary such as; yesterday, today, tomorrow and we update our calendar maths display.  We discuss shapes, colours and size.

During register time, we also count how many boys, how many girls, how many altogether, how many are absent (we display these on our ten frame), say how many are there without counting,  find numbers on the number line, say the names of shapes and colours and discuss more/ less.

We take every opportunity to encourage children to use and develop their maths skills. For example, at snack time, staff teach children to count how many cups are needed,  notice and discuss repeated patterns when stacking cups. At other times children are encouraged to subitise and practise counting forwards and backwards when lining up.

During continuous provsion, children can access the resources within the Maths areas and learn through play. Adults interact with children and ensure they are appropriately challenged.

We also have a number of the week. This is carefully woven into the other areas of learning.  It is shared with parents on our weekly newsletter. A follow up task that is sent home, as well as other ideas that parents can do at home to support their child.  

Contact us at Fulfen Primary School

Main Contact: Mrs S Steele
Rugeley Road