Love of Learning... Encouraging... Adaptable... Determination
Peace at Last
World Book Day
World Book Day March 2017
Safer Internet Day
Google Expeditions came to Fulfen
Young Voices
Trip to Chasewater!
Amazing Amazon Animals!
Alternative Christmas Nativity - Years 3 and 4.
Pantomime Trip
Year 3's Stone Age Assembly
Year 5 and 6 Christmas Carol Concert
Christmas Production Photos
Greece - The Musical!
Y5 Lunar Rover Workshop
Year 6 trip to Birmingham Central Mosque
Year 4's trip to Burntwood Library
The Great Fire of London...Year 2 Style!
Year 5 Perfect Parachutes!
Reading Explorers
Year 3's trip back to the Stone Age!
Year 4 Ancient Greek Gallery
The start of a FANGtastic week in Year 4!
Harvest Festival at Fulfen
Year 4's Ancient Greek Pottery Day