Hello! As Chair of Governors, I’m pleased to introduce you to the work of the Governing Body at Fulfen.
What does the Governing Body do?
The Governing Body leads development of the school’s vision, ethos and strategy. Whilst the day-to-day operation of the school is the responsibility of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), the Governing Body challenges the SLT to ensure continued progress and optimal attainment of all pupils, effective performance management of staff, and efficient and effective use of finances. We strive to ensure our whole school community feels fully enabled to provide the best opportunities for our pupils.
How many Governors are there?
We have 13 Governors, including the Headteacher, parents, staff, members of the community and a Local Authority representative
How does it work?
We meet as a Full Governing Body twice per term to develop the whole school, including Early Years and Treetops. Discussions include curriculum developments, pupil progress and attainment, SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability), staffing (teaching and non-teaching), whole school wellbeing, parental engagement, health and safety, finance, school premises, school admissions and school policies. Whilst all areas are monitored throughout the year, meetings focus alternately upon different areas.
Who can be a Governor?
Anyone! We have 4 Parent Governors (specifically with children in the school at time of election) who are elected by parents of pupils in the school. Other Governors come from the local community, as well as parents within the school and include people working in education and those in business. A socially and professionally diverse Governing Body brings wider perspective and knowledge to our discussions and broadens the outlook and opportunity for the children.
Governance is a voluntary commitment which brings reward in terms of seeing positive impact on children and staff, working with the SLT to provide the best environment for them to succeed as individuals. The children are at the heart of everything we do, and we enjoy celebrating their successes, in whichever way they shine.