Reception 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Reception!
Pupils begin their life-long learning journey in a happy, safe and secure learning environment where they can flourish and achieve their true potential. Learning in Early Years, adopts a highly successful play-based approach within the classroom and in our outdoor learning spaces. Through play, children are encouraged to explore, negotiate, take risks and develop their language skills and relationships with others- skills which are essential to their development.
Our Early Years team are highly adept at bringing learning to life and developing a sense of curiosity, awe and wonder to inspire and motivate our pupils to achieve their very best physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually. We place great value on establishing a genuine partnership between home and school. Shared goals, encouragement and support from both home and school lay a firm foundation for our pupils’ learning and well-being.
Meet the Reception team:
Tap on a team member's photo to find out more about them.
Miss Chapman R2 Teacher Head of Early Years |
Mrs Darby R1 Teacher |
Mrs Moore Teacher |
Mrs Willows Forest School Lead |
Miss Shuck Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Carter Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Awcoate Teaching Assistant |
Miss Holloway Teaching Assistant |
Important Information
Reception children should enter school between 8:35am and 8:55am and enter the school through the Reception door.
They will finish at 3:20pm when they should be collected from Reception playground.
Children should come to school in their PE kits on a FRIDAY.
Our PE Kit consists of:
- Navy polo shirt with school logo and black shorts/blue jogging bottoms/leggings
- Navy Fulfen hoodie/jumper
- Trainers
- In extremely cold weather, extra layers such as under-layers, hats and gloves are permissible as long as the activity can be carried out safely in these (a staff member will advise the children appropriately);
- In hot weather, please can children apply their own suncream on before school and make sure that they have a drink and hat with them (a staff member will advise the children whether their hat is appropriate for an activity or not).
Hair and Jewellery:
- No jewellery (including fitness bands) should be worn for PE;
- Earrings should be removed and not taped over;
- Long hair must be tied back.
Information about our full school uniform can be found here.
Forest School
Children should come to school in their Forest/PE kit on a FRIDAY.
Children DO NOT need their book bags on Forest School day!
In cold weather:
- Hats and gloves
- School jumper/hoodie (with PE T shirt underneath)
- Tracksuit bottoms/leggings
- Trainers
- Warm socks (and some spare socks)
- Wellington boots
- Waterproof clothing
- Coat
In warm weather:
- Sun cream protection
- Sun hat (offering protection to the back of their neck)
- Sensible sturdy close-toed shoes
- Covered legs (no shorts)
- Spare socks
- Wellington boots
- Waterproof clothing
- Jacket
Virtually Visit Reception!
Click on the interactive pictures below to find out about what we do outside! You can tap on the buttons to find out more!
Here is registration area R1 - look at some of the different areas that can be found here by clicking on the image below:
And this is registration area R2 - click on the image below to find out what is on offer here:
Click on the image below to find out more about this room: