Fulfen Primary School

Love of Learning... Encouraging... Adaptable... Determination

Snow Day info for Y2!

Unfortunately the school is closed due to snow sad

This doesn't mean our learning needs to stop!  

English:  Why not write a description of the snowy scene by your house?  Take a photo and describe what you can see!  What would it be like to go on an adventure in the snow?

Maths:  We've just started looking at telling the time on an analogue clock.  Why not make your own clock out of paper?  Can you tell the time to the nearest five minutes?  I'll attach some sheets that the children started in school yesterday - if you want some extra practise, these will be ideal (they get progressively harder)!

If you have an accelerated reading book at home, you can finish it off and take the test (you can only take the test during school hours) by following this link:  https://ukhosted81.renlearn.co.uk/2249863/  - sign in, select the orange icon and then find your book as you normally would... (please do these without help as the score is recorded - If you want to watch your child and discuss their mistakes afterwards, this is fine, but please do not intefere with their answers as we need a true score recorded for all tests - thank you ).

There's plenty there to keep you busy!  Enjoy your day at home :)



Contact us at Fulfen Primary School

Main Contact: Mrs S Steele
Rugeley Road