Fulfen Primary School

Love of Learning... Encouraging... Adaptable... Determination

Newsletter Wednesday 20th September

Year two have settled in very well indeed!

We have been taking daily spelling tests to make sure that when the Super Spelling books come home next week, each child will have the spellings that they need to learn.

In English this week, we have been looking at sentences.  We know that our sentences need to make sense and that we can improve them by adding an adjective, improving the verb, adding an adverb or adding a conjunction to extend the sentence.  Homework this week will be based on the four sentence types (statements, questions, exclamations and commands) with some revision of using conjunctions.

In maths, we have been working on place value. We can now represent numbers in lots of different ways: with dienes, money, by writing different calculations, on a numberline etc.  We have also learnt about greater than and less than signs and our homework this weekend will be based on this (remember those hungry crocodiles like to eat the larger numbers!)

Good news!  We have bought some folders for homework, so will be sending them home this week.  Please remember that homework can be brought in on any day, but should be brought in by a Thursday so that folders can be organised ready for new homework on a Friday.

In each classroom, we now have a display to encourage children to read more at home.  The more books children read, the further they will get on their jungle adventure, collecting prizes and certificates on the way!  Some children will also be starting the Accelerated Reader Scheme soon too - a great way for fluent readers to improve their comprehension skills and there are also certificates awarded too.



Contact us at Fulfen Primary School

Main Contact: Mrs S Steele
Rugeley Road