Newsletter Wednesday 18th October
This half term has certainly flown by! Our harvest festival was a great success - well done to all the children!
We are now working on traditional tales in English. We have read several fairytales, such as The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and Jack and the Beanstalk and after half term, we will be writing our own.
In maths we have been practising our number bonds. We have been finding pairs of numbers that add up to 10, 20 or 100 and also the number bonds up to 20. To try and speed up our mental skills, we've been playing lots of games and doing treasure hunts, which has been great fun!
We have also looked at balancing equations like: 12 + ? = 20 - 5.
Can we please have one last push for any big cardboard boxes? We will need them after half term so any that could be brought into school the week after half term would be gratefully received (the bigger the better!)
Thank you.
Enjoy your half term week!